Bushfire Gutter Guard
Keep your gutters free of leaves and dangerous bushfire embers

Get peace of mind for your home with our tough aluminium gutter mesh
Our anti-flammable, powder-coated metal gutter guard prevents bushfire embers from entering your gutters and roof cavities.
The small 2mm aperture mesh will effectively keep other debris like leaves, pine needles, seeds and gumnuts out of your gutters too, whilst allowing for maximum rainwater flow and drainage. The aluminium (or Stainless Steel) ember guard used is a woven mesh. Being woven, this makes it far more resistant to tearing unlike like some of the moulded & expanded gutter guard meshes around. During every installation all the correct coloured components are used including the screws, angle trims and other fixing parts like corro saddles for corrugated roofs and high grade silicone to join up around tiled roofing sections.
Keep your home safe
The majority of homes that are damaged or destroyed during bushfires in Australia are victims of ember attack. Windborne embers can easily enter through any gaps in your roof, eaves, or gutters.
Gutter systems that have been neglected or poorly maintained can become serious fire hazards, especially in the hot summer months when leaf litter can become tinder dry.
That’s why ember-proof gutter guard protection is a great consideration in keeping your gutters clear, and to block direct entryways for embers.

Ember Gutter Guard Features & Benefits

Suitable for all Bushfire Attack Levels
The small 2mm apertures are designed to stop embers from entering and also meet stringent bushfire safety ratings. The gutter guard is suitable for installation in all Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) designations including the highest BAL-40 and BAL-FZ (Flame Zone) areas.
Tough Woven Aluminium Mesh
Standard ember guard is made from powder-coated, non-combustible aluminium, the mesh strands are woven together for enhanced strength and durability. For extra added strength we also offer Stainless Steel ember guard mesh.
Blocks Embers, Leaves, Debris & Vermin
Designed to prevent dangerous wind-borne bushfire embers from entering your gutters, you'll also have piece of mind knowing that your gutters are free of blockages all year round, and that pest birds and vermin aren't entering your gutters and roofing. Woven Ember Guard is so tough that possums can walk across it without causing damage.
Experience Freedom with the Ultimate Bushfire Gutter Guard
Contact us today for a no-obligation quote!